((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))

Friday, September 5, 2008

Interesting thoughts...

Listening to the netradio show FLOSS Weekly episode 39, in which Simon Phipps from Sun is being interviewed by Randall Schwartz and Leo Laporte, and Simon has some interesting thoughts when asked a question regarding his use of a Mac and how that relates to his evangelism of open source software -- the bit that interested me went as follows:

SP: 'This is a pretty tough world if you decide to become an absolutist -'

LL: 'Yes, I guess so... Would you prefer a world where it was all open?'

SP: 'I absolutely would. I think to reach that world we have to be pragmatic with urgency. You know, I'm more than happy to use tools that work. What I'm not happy with is to use tools that work, but in such a way that I have no other options in the future. You know, the key thought for me is substitutability. I don't want to use any tool that couldn't be substituted for another tool in the future.'

1 comment:

Randal L. Schwartz said...

Thanks for listening to FLOSS Weekly. Yes, the Simon Phipps show is clearly one of those times when everything all came together. If you have suggestions for future guests, email me at merlyn@stonehenge.com. Thanks!