Step 1: Exporting the video from Quicktime to DVD:
First, I took the provided file and converted it to DV. This was accomplished by loading the file in Kino and selecting 'export' on the vertical tab bar, followed by 'DV file' on the horizontal tab bar, and then proceeding to hit the 'export' button and select the desired output filename.
Step 2: Improving the audio quality:
The provided audio file had several problems - it was recorded in stereo, but it appears to actually be two mics, one worn by the speaker, and one worn by an announcer who speaks only briefly at the beginning. To correct this, I used Kino to export the audio track from the DV file and loaded it up in Audacity. In eh editor, I amplified the brief period of conversation from the announcer, mixed it over the speaker's track in the other channel, and then copied that channel over both, creating a mono mix where both speakers are clearly visible. Noise reduction was then applied to reduce some of the ambient noise, after which the file was normalized to 0 db.
Step 3: Replacing the audio in the original DV file with the corrected audio
To replace the audio with our new, cleaned up version of the track, I launched Cinelerra, imported both the video from the DV file and the audio file produced by audacity and selected the 'render' option from the file menu to produce a new DV file with the new audio.
Step 4: Transcoding to Theora
To transcode the DV file to theora, I install the ffmpeg2theora package and it's dependencies and, after reading the man page to determine the syntax, ran the script shown above. This actually produces many more files than we need at a variety of quality settings. To select the final files, each produced file was checked with the 'ogginfo' command and those with bitrates closest to the desired bitrates were selected.
Step 5: Transcoding to MPEG2
To transcode the video to MPEG2, the following commands are saved to a file, 'trans', and then executed:
transcode -i Out.dv -o out.avi -V -J smartyuv,hqdn3d,msharpen -Z 640x480 -y null -w 1800 -b 256 -R 1;
transcode -i Out.dv -o out.avi -V -J smartyuv,hqdn3d,msharpen -Z 640x480 -y -w 1800 -b 256 -R 2
Step 6: Transcoding to H264
To transcode the video to H264, I installed Mark Pilgrim's podencode python script and ran it on the AVI file (unfortunately, I could find no working tool to convert this directly from the DV file).
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