((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))

Friday, December 5, 2008

Func Users Module v0.3 is released!

A new version of the func users & groups management module has been released for public user and/or review. The updated module can be found here: Func Users Module v0.3.

This release includes some coding style alterations to the already extant informational methods, as well as a boatload of new methods that will allow you to:

- Create, delete, and modify groups.
- Create, delete, and modify users.
- Manage the memberships of users within groups

To do:

The current implementation of user_add has very few options, and incorporating these options is most of what's on the feature list for v0.4. In the mean time, most sorts of users you would like to create can be created by first creating a user with relatively default settings using user_add, and subsequently modifying any properties you'd like changed. It would be nice if these additional steps could be cut out and the user be instantiated with the desired options with one method call.


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