((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))

Friday, January 30, 2009

Func Users Module v0.4 is released!

A new version of the func users & groups management module has been released for public use, testing or review. The updated module can be found here: Func Users Module v0.4.

New Features:

- Password alteration method added.
- Pluralized methods for all applicable singular methods.

Other Changes:

- General API cleanup.

Planned for version 0.5:

As nearly all core functionality for day to day user and group management is at this point complete, release 0.5 is expected to be a candidate for final release and integration with the project's main branch.

One feature remains: GECOS field manipulation methods: Currently, the GECOS field can only be manipulated as a single unit. Version 0.5 will fill in this remaining gap in functionality by providing getter/setter methods for all subfields of the GECOS field.

The updated project page is here.

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