((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fedora NTFS initrd maker, first release.

  The first prototype of the code that will be used to produce an initrd image capable of booting off of an NTFS file system is finally ready.

What This Code Is Supposed To Do:

  This code is intended to take a standard Fedora initrd image and transform it into one capable of mounting it's root filesystem from a file located on an NTFS filesystem.

What This Code Does Today:

  Right now, the code is not complete, and does not actually produce the desired initrd image as it's final output. Rather, what is produced at this point is an environment that can be chrooted into to simulate the capabilities that will be available within the confines of the initrd image during the bootup process. This environment can be used for debugging while determining what further changes are needed to achieve our final goal.

How to Test This Code Out:
 To test this code out, you'll need to run it as root on a Fedora system. It should run with the standard packages provided by a base install, but you may have to add some additional entries to your path environment variable so the program can locate certain executables it needs: if a desired executable is not in your path, the program will halt and warn you of this. Simply add the directory in which it is located to your path and try again. Directions on how to test out the capabilities of the chroot environment will be provided by the program when executed. You should be able to mount the NTFS filesystem, though the ext2 filesystem cannot yet be mounted via bash as the normal mount command has not been placed in the chroot environment yet.

  The syntax you should use to invoke this code is simple: as it's first, and only argument, it expects the path of an already existing initrd image.

Get The Code:

  The current version of this program is available for download at: http://matrix.senecac.on.ca/~gjmasseau/ntfsboot/.